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The Guidance department provides services based upon the National Comprehensive Competency Based Guidance (CCBG) model. Counselors provide assistance and teach skills in individual, small group, and classroom settings in the following three domains: career, personal/social, and academic. Counselors also assist in the implementation of each student’s Education Career Action Plan (ECAP).

Important Information


Our Mission

The mission of the River Valley High School Counseling Program is to provide our students with the time, attention, and knowledge which will enable them to be successful, not only in academics, but also in their future careers and personal lives.

Our Philosophy

The counselors at River Valley High School believe:

  • All students have dignity and worth.
  • All students have the right to participate in the school counseling program.
  • The River Valley High School counseling program should be based on specific goals and student competencies.
  • The program is evaluated on specific goals and agreed upon student results.
  • Full-time, state certified school counselors are used to deliver the program.


Students are assigned a counselor and are encouraged to meet with that counselor on a regular basis. Counselors are available to students before school, during the student’s lunch, and after school. Counselors can be seen in an emergency during class time. Students must have a pass from their teacher and their school ID.